Ocean Groups

Ocean Groups

Viewing all groups that are Ocean Public Groups

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Viewing all groups that are Oceans Private Groups

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Viewing all groups that are Ocean Projects

Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 groups

  • OA-ME Project

    Public Ocean Project

    Active 2 months ago

    Evaluation, Mitigation and Adaptation of Impacts of Ocean Acidification to Marine Ecosystems
    Ocean... View more

  • MULTI-FRAME Project

    Public Ocean Project

    Active 3 months ago

    Assessment Framework for successful development of viable ocean multi-use systems
    Sustainable and... View more

  • MARISCO Project

    Public Ocean Project

    Active 3 months ago

    Marine Research and Innovation for a Sustainable management of Coasts and Oceans
    Understanding... View more

  • COAST Project

    Public Ocean Project

    Active 3 months ago

    COAST (Coastal OceAn SusTainability in Changing Climate) project focuses on the sustainability of the... View more

  • ARMSRestore Project

    Public Ocean Project

    Active 3 months ago

    ARMS to reefs: A new tool to restore coral reef biodiversity, fisheries yields, and human health in... View more

  • COAST Card Project

    Public Ocean Project

    Active 3 months ago

    Coastal Ocean Assessment for Sustainability and Transformation.
    COAST Card is an innovative... View more

  • NO CRISES Project

    Public Ocean Project

    Active 3 months ago

    Negotiating Ocean Conflicts among RIvals for Sustainable and Equitable Solutions
    Oceans provide resources... View more

  • ShipTRASE Project

    Public Ocean Project

    Active 3 months ago

    Global shipping: Linking policy and economics to biogeochemical cycling and air-sea interaction
    Shipping... View more

  • Salt-Mine Project

    Public Ocean Project

    Active 3 months ago

    Beyond freshwater generation: Mineral extraction from seawater desalination brine and seawater greenhouse... View more

  • OCEANS PACT Project

    Public Ocean Project

    Active 3 months ago

    OCEAN Sustainability Pathways for Achieving Conflict TransformationConflicts about how to harness benefits... View more

  • PolyCone Project

    Public Ocean Project

    Active 3 months ago

    Integrated and sustainable regulation of cones in Eastern Polynesia
    Toxins of cone snails (conotoxins) are... View more

  • EXEBUS Project

    Public Ocean Project

    Active 3 months ago

    Ecological and Economic impacts of the intensification of extreme events in the Benguela Upwelling... View more

Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 groups

Viewing all groups that are Ocean Topics

Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 groups

Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 groups