CCH Public Group
Public CCH Public Group
Public CCH Public Group
Active a year ago
Welcome to the Climate and Cultural Heritage Hub!
This match-making platform is intended to gather... View more
Public CCH Public Group
Group Description
Welcome to the Climate and Cultural Heritage Hub!
This match-making platform is intended to gather researchers and heritage professionals to meet, exchange ideas and create project teams for the CCH call.
To exploit, at best, all the features of this platform, you may want to consult the instructions hereunder, which will provide you with all the information and knowledge you need to navigate and interact with the Hub.
Groups are at the very basis of the platform’s functioning, and their primary purpose is to provide a public space for announcements and feeds.
Every user registered on the Hub is automatically added to the Public Group. As it reaches all members of the Hub, the Public Group is to be used exclusively for general announcements or communications. Other more specific groups have been designed according to precise criteria and gathered into sections that are listed hereunder:
· CCH Topic Groups reflects the three principal axes of the CCH call.
o Cultural Heritage as a Resource for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation (CHARCMA)
o The Impact of Climate Change on Cultural Heritage (ICCC)
o Sustainable Solutions for Heritage (SSH)
· CCH Specializations allows users to register according to their profession and domain of expertise.
o Consultancy Positions
o Industry/Professional Positions
o Administrative Positions
o Academic/Research Positions
· CCH Consortia is a space where project groups can work together.
· CCH Other Groups is a blank space which can be filled with further elements.
In case you want to create a new group, you can do so by going to the main page of the groups and click the button “Create a Group”. You can also reach out to the Hub coordinators, who will satisfy your request or redirect you to the best-suited feature or tool for your needs.
This area is dedicated to conversations and exchanges. Here, you can chat with other users by joining a discussion or creating one of your own. Every discussion shall have a title providing the central theme dealt with in the debate.
Please, keep valuable and correct behavior when engaging in a discussion and always maintain a civil approach towards other members. Moderators will remove all users who do not act equitably and respectfully when referring to the community of the Hub.
Information & Tools
On the front page of the Hub, you will find all the essential information related to the CCH call as well as various tools to facilitate your experience of connecting with other professionals and to keep the Hub up and to run.
After a first slideshow of introductory images, the Home Page provides the list of all funding agencies engaged in the CCH call with their websites open for consultation.
Successively, a section is dedicated to videos and materials from the events organized in the frame of this matchmaking process. Indeed, initiatives such as deep-dive workshops and seminars will be held regularly with speakers from inside and outside the Hub. To keep up with the community activities, you may want to give a regular check to the calendar right after the video and materials section. It is there that all the main initiatives, milestones and deadlines are gathered, making it a top reference space for all community members.
We hope you will enjoy and get all benefits from this platform. If you have other questions, please check the Help section or contact the moderators.
We wish you to make fruitful connections and good luck in creating a successful project group!