Groups are available for all profile types to join, allowing users to participate in discussions, access news feeds, view other members, and see new albums within the group
After logging in, you will automatically join the CCH Public Group. You can find other CCH Groups by going to “CCH Groups” under the “Groups” tab from the menu.
You can see all groups that Belmont Forum Hubs have, as well as groups you have joined, under “Groups” from the menu. You also have an option to create a group.
After Selecting “Group” from the Menu, click on “Create a Group” button To create a group. Provide the Group Name and Description, and click “Create Group and Continue.” Select the setting option from the list of settings, making sure to choose Group Type before proceeding to the next step. You can then upload a cover photo and invite members to the group.
To leave a group, click on the group you want to leave, hover over “Member” in the top right corner, and the button will change to “Leave group.” Select the button to leave the group.